Success cannot be achieved alone

Tsotne Chakhvadze
5 min readMay 19, 2023


It’s a common sentiment among the rich, famous, and influential individuals, as well as social media personalities, that if someone hasn’t made it or achieved success, they can only point the finger at themselves.

These individuals often position themselves as prime examples of achieving success entirely on their own, utilizing a multitude of facts and figures that are challenging to fact-check. Furthermore, they frequently engage in excessive self-promotion, constantly emphasizing their achievements.

Indeed, it can be challenging when influential individuals with wealth, a large following, and a strong public presence promote stories that may not align with reality. Despite the discrepancies between their claims and the truth, many people tend to believe and share their narratives. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the allure of success, the desire for inspiration, and the persuasive influence of charismatic personalities.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

It is important to recognize that not all information presented by influential individuals is necessarily accurate or truthful. While some individuals may fabricate or exaggerate their stories for various reasons, others may inadvertently distort their achievements due to selective storytelling or incomplete disclosure of relevant details. This can create a discrepancy between the perceived reality and the actual circumstances surrounding their success.

However, it’s crucial to maintain a critical and discerning mindset when consuming such narratives. Fact-checking, seeking multiple perspectives, and evaluating the credibility of sources can help ensure a more accurate understanding of the truth. Additionally, placing importance on a comprehensive examination of success stories, including the acknowledgment of external factors and support systems, can provide a more realistic and nuanced perspective.

Ultimately, it’s essential for individuals to develop their own judgment and not blindly accept claims without considering all available information. Critical thinking and a healthy level of skepticism can help navigate the complexities of success stories and differentiate between genuine accounts and potentially misleading narratives.

Many individuals who promote their success stories often downplay or eliminate the role of luck in their narratives. However, acknowledging the role of luck is crucial in providing a more honest and comprehensive understanding of success.

Luck can manifest in various forms, such as chance encounters, fortunate timing, unexpected opportunities, or external circumstances beyond our control. It is an inherent part of life and can significantly influence the trajectory of our endeavors. Ignoring or dismissing luck fails to recognize the external factors that can shape outcomes.

In reality, luck can act as a catalyst for success by providing initial opportunities or breakthrough moments. It can open doors that may have otherwise remained closed and pave the way for further achievements. However, it’s important to note that luck alone is rarely sufficient for sustained success. Hard work, dedication, skill development, and seizing opportunities are also essential.

By acknowledging the role of luck, we recognize the unpredictable nature of life’s events and the factors beyond our control. It fosters humility and empathy, as we understand that not everyone has the same opportunities or encounters the same strokes of luck.

Being honest about the influence of luck in success narratives can inspire a more balanced perspective and encourage individuals to appreciate the role of external factors. It acknowledges that while personal effort and resilience are crucial, external circumstances and fortunate occurrences can significantly impact outcomes.

Let’s talk more about luck.

Luck has long been a subject of fascination and debate when it comes to achieving success. People often ponder whether success is solely the result of hard work and talent or if luck plays a significant role. I try to dig into the concept of luck and its importance in the context of success. By examining different perspectives and exploring research findings, I try to aim to shed light on the multifaceted relationship between luck and success.

Luck can indeed influence success, particularly in unpredictable or uncertain domains. In certain industries or professions, being at the right place at the right time or encountering a fortunate opportunity can have a profound impact on an individual’s success. This element of luck often acts as a catalyst, propelling individuals forward and opening doors that might otherwise remain closed.

However, luck alone is rarely sufficient for sustained success. While chance occurrences can create initial opportunities, it is the combination of effort, skill, and preparedness that allows individuals to capitalize on those opportunities. Luck may provide the foot in the door, but it is an individual’s abilities and actions that ultimately determine the extent of their success.

The importance of luck in success is subjective and can vary among individuals. Some people attribute their achievements primarily to luck, believing that external factors played a dominant role. They perceive success as being largely beyond their control and influenced by uncontrollable circumstances. On the other hand, individuals with an internal locus of control tend to emphasize personal agency and the role of their own efforts in achieving success. They believe in the power of hard work, perseverance, and skill development.

The relationship between luck and success is complex, with multiple factors interacting in dynamic ways. While luck can create opportunities, it is an individual’s preparedness and ability to seize those opportunities that determine the outcome. People who cultivate relevant skills, remain open to possibilities, and maintain a proactive mindset are more likely to benefit from fortuitous events and convert luck into success.

Moreover, luck is not a one-time occurrence but a continuous interplay of chance events throughout one’s journey. Recognizing and capitalizing on these moments of luck require a keen awareness and adaptability. By leveraging these fortuitous occurrences, individuals can navigate the path toward success more effectively.

In the pursuit of success, luck undoubtedly has a role to play. It can provide the initial boost and create opportunities that might otherwise remain unseen. However, luck alone is not enough. Success is the result of a complex interplay between luck, effort, skill, and preparedness. By understanding this intricate relationship, individuals can cultivate the necessary qualities to make the most of fortuitous events and chart their path to long-term success.

While luck may be elusive and beyond our control, it is our ability to navigate and respond to chance occurrences that ultimately shapes our journey toward success. By honing our skills, staying prepared, and maintaining a positive mindset, we can enhance our capacity to recognize and seize opportunities as they arise. In the pursuit of success, let us remember the words of Seneca: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

In my personal opinion, success does begin with one’s own skills and hard work. However, just like how great singers rely on having a receptive audience, good writers depend on having engaged readers, and exceptional actors thrive with a supportive public, recognition and opportunities from others are crucial. You need someone who can acknowledge your efforts and provide you with a chance to showcase your abilities. I also believe that luck plays a role when it comes to monetizing your skills. There are incredibly talented singers and authors out there who haven’t achieved the success they deserve. This also holds true when it comes to job interviews. While being qualified for a position is important, it ultimately depends on the interviewer noticing your abilities. And that, I believe, is purely a matter of luck.

Once again, I came across a peculiar post on LinkedIn, and I felt the urge to share my thoughts on it. Moreover, just for amusement, as someone who is not a native English speaker, I decided to utilize ChatGPT to rephrase certain sentences in my article.

Good luck everyone.



Tsotne Chakhvadze

Hidden OP character in my own manga/anime life. Maybe you know me as Software engineer